Charitable Support Provided in 2015

We are delighted to report that the Andreas Moritz Light Trust awarded two charitable grants to Viet Dreams for the creation and installation of a much-needed drinking filtration system that is linked to a non-polluting water heating system (thereby reducing the need to burn wood) in the Quang Chau orphanage in Viet Nam.

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Anchored in Andreas’ teachings and writings are the crucial roles that adequate hydration of the body – with fresh, clean water – and unpolluted, clean air play in our overall health and well-being. And, of course, Andreas’ unwavering compassion for children without parents makes these projects especially meaningful and heartwarming.


Viet Dreams is a non-profit, charitable organization based in Northern California, whose special focus is on providing a healthier life and promising educational future for children living in rural areas of Viet Nam.

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Charitable Support Provided in 2014

Andreas Moritz Light Trust awarded its first charitable grant in 2014 – to the SOPUDEP school lunch program in Haiti.

School LunchMore than 200,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January 2010, with at least 2.3 million people left homeless. In all too many cases, international aid efforts did not reach the people that needed help the most, many of whom were the children.

Rea DolRea Dol, one of Haiti’s leading pioneers in economic sustainability, quickly realized that only local grassroots initiatives would be able to save an entire generation of Haiti’s precious young people. Most of the schools had been destroyed in the quake, so Rea gathered together a group of friends, and under her leadership founded the Society of Providence United for the Economic Development of Petionville (SOPUDEP) school.

The ChildrenStarting with a small number of children in a make-shift building, it quickly became apparent that the most immediate need was a lunch program, since for many of the children, it was their only meal of the day. From these humble beginnings, the SOPUDEP school has grown, with an almost equal number of boys and girls. Over half of these children have no parents.

Charitable Donations

Your contribution will give children without parents opportunities for a brighter future. We want you to know that we are very conscientious about keeping administrative costs to an absolute minimum. In fact, over 99% of the charitable donations received are directed toward projects supporting the children.

All charitable donors (individuals, groups, companies and organizations) will receive a receipt from the Andreas Moritz Light Trust, a non-profit foundation with 501(c)(3) designation in the USA, that a bona fide tax-deductible charitable donation has been made in the USA and, therefore, can be applied to one’s tax return in the USA (acknowledged by the Internal Revenue Service as a legitimate charitable deduction).

Since we are not aware of the specific rules or policies that apply to tax-deductible charitable contributions in other countries (outside of the USA), we recommend that you please consult with your tax advisor or accountant for insight into this for the country in which you live.

Donations by Check, Money Order or Cash

Charitable donations in the form of checks or money orders are to be made out to: Andreas Moritz Light Trust.

Please mail your charitable donation, in the form of a check, money or cash, to the following address:

Andreas Moritz Light Trust
P.O. Box 337
Landrum, SC 29356

Donations with Zelle

The Andreas Moritz Light Trust is happy to announce that our non-profit foundation is now able to accept donations with Zelle through participating banks in the US. As of now the full amount of your donation will be received with no sending or receiving fees.

Please send through Zelle to our email address:

For further information, please see the Zelle website.

Donations with Credit Card or Debit Card

We are also now able to take one-time or recurring donations processed through Stripe using your credit or debit card.

Andreas Moritz Light Trust

One-time or Recurring Donation


Subtotal $10.00

Processing fee $0.00

Total due $10.00

Recurring amount starting at $10.00